
Versace Haute will return

Beginning in 2004, the famous Italian fashion brand Versace senior fixed uniform, no
longer serves the public. Versace, insulation and advanced set of uniforms for
nearly eight weeks, but soon, it will be uniform for the 2012 senior week, to
reproduce the old style stage show.

        The Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture announced, Versace will reproduce
the style, set in January next year's senior uniformed weeks, but a specific date
has been announced, Versace will be January 23, 2012 on display in the show's senior
fixed uniform The first stage show.
         Although Versace spokeswoman did not make any response, but since The
Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture have been announced, and this credibility is
enough to make you look great on display in January.

