
understand the situation here

Ernesto Muller, SECULUS's founder, said: "In fact, this is my first N times come to China from the decision to start entry into the Chinese market, I took the design team, often back and forth to understand the situation here, from the focus the city's sales outlets, to visit the other peers in the side of the display, do everything possible to have more information on the Chinese market situation and so, in order to adapt to jet lag, wearing two watches, the Swiss time left, the right hand is China's time course, in fact, represent two different styles of watches, left this style of the international market, the more extreme, large, thick, mainly for European and American people do. right hand ready to be sold in China this is the basic section, the Chinese people's wrist is fine, to do for Chinese consumers. two are my favorites, I do not wear other watches, if you have to ask what my favorite brand, must be SECULUS, favorite collections watch, or SECULUS. from this sense, the Chinese market as the focus of our future, this basic models, but also the value of the collection. "

