
goals after the game

 This is  was selected for the first time in 9 months Brazil national team, his last
year's World Cup after being excluded from the national team was selected for the second
time. From European leagues back to Brazil one door after Al Gore team, roanldinho State
rebounded to currently has 12 in BA a League Ball range and top ranked Archer second place.

  The America's Cup early out of the game for Brazil team ailing, then team manager Jose
Meneses small Luo Zhong enqueued, it is hoped that the veteran's ability and experience to
help the team out of trouble.

  This match, Ghana a rough defensive gave Brazil a lot up front free kick opportunities,
Ronaldinho also handle almost all free kicks. Accurate foot position of Ronaldinho has
several times threatened Ghana goal, opening in only 4 minutes, his free kick crossing
accurately find Lucio, who nearly broke. Since then, his free kicks and repeatedly forcing
Ghana goalkeeper rescue ball-bashing.

  Brazil team this service fully proactive, their advantage as the 34th minute Ghana
players aopalei was sent off and more obvious. 44 minutes, Brazil feiernandiniao with a shot
of passing tore Ghana defense, Star Damiao plunge into a restricted area, take advantage of
low right foot shot to break, scored in the national team's "Virgin". The corruptor, Ghana
began to fight back, but Brazil team wins was also keep by virtue of the number of advantages
of fruit.

  Fradique de Menezes regretted that failed to achieve more goals after the game, but he
also pointed out that, with Ghana and that teams can help Brazil team quickly recovered
State. Meneses example, Brazil team into the many young players, contribution such as goal in
this battle Damiao, feiernandiniao and assists neimaer, and Ganco.

  "We have many young players for international competitions they are not very familiar
with, so we need to continue to work," Fradique de Menezes said, "step by step to the
construction of our team, I know now in the array of both veterans and young players, I also
know that if the 2014 World Cup will be a lot of pressure, but I'm not worried. ”

